Hi everyone,
Hope this finds you well! Good news: SB926, Senator Dodd's bill that would operationalize the $20 million Prescribed Fire Claims Fund, has passed out of the legislature with full support and is headed for Governor Newsom's desk. At this point, it would be helpful to send letters to Newsom requesting that he sign the bill. We don't expect issues given the importance of the fund for all the work we're trying to do in California, but we think an extra showing of support would be helpful.
Attached here is a template letter of support which you can copy or adapt. Please aim to send in your letters in the next week or two, and let me know if you have any questions. This fund will be a really big development for the prescribed fire community, and this bill took a lot of time, energy, and collaboration...so let's make sure it makes it across the finish line!
Please share with all to support this effort.
Letters can come from individuals or organizations, and should be addressed as follows:
Governor Gavin Newsom
Governor’s Office
1021 O Street
Sacramento CA. 95814
Re: SB 926 (Dodd); request for signature
You can mail your letters, or email them to leg.unit@gov.ca.gov
Thank you!!!
Director of Operations
Scot m Steinbring
